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The LifeLine Technique® UK Psych-K Health, Wellbeing and Acupuncture in London

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ACUPUNCTURE. acuwords-he

Microsystem Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine

Microsystems acupuncture is based on the belief that small well-defined areas of the body - such as the hand, foot, face, scalp and ear - correspond to all organs and parts of the body. Evidence shows that stimulating these areas, usually with needles, may help people to deal with symptoms such as anxiety or general stresses.

One of the most surprising aspects ofMicrosystem Acupuncture is that almost any condition can benefit from auricular treatment. Treatment of pain, stress, insomnia, addictions, anxiety, arthritis, headaches, menopause and many other conditions can be enhanced with auricular therapy. It is intended to be an adjunct to other forms of therapy.

This form of therapy can be used to help people overcome addictions to drugs and alcohol. It can be done in different sessions depending on the severity of one's condition or disease. Needles are inserted to a depth of about three to five millimeters so as to achieve a proper twinge. They are then left to stay for about fifteen to twenty minutes.

"Acupuncture with Betty seems like a MIRACLE. Thank you so much for this wellness moment. I bet everybody would love Betty's work so be sure to share this with others. thank you." J.S ( London)



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