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The LifeLine Technique® UK Psych-K Health, Wellbeing and Acupuncture in London

Group Session Sign Up. Creating Heaven On Earth

Group Session Sign Up

Group sessions are proven to be very powerful in working with collective intention as a group and as an individual. In addition, our research (along with research from other cutting-edge organizations such as the HeartMath Institute) also shows that when a group of people come together in heart-centered emotions such as love or gratitude and direct the intention of that elevated emotion towards another person, they can actually produce a non-local effect on that person’s autonomic nervous system. In the process, the person receiving the love becomes entrained to that higher frequency and their heart responds to love—from a distance. It is exactly the same as holding our own intention and others in the group when balancing.

You will receive the following:

- Access to weekly group session to clear Trapped / Hidden / Inherited Emotions that we all share as a group.

- Access to Monthly Group "Walking Meditation" by Dr Joe Dispenza (optional)

- PSYCH-K balances to recondition our body and mind to the new desired one.

- Q&A and Discussion

- Email/ Phone Support


“Betsabe leads our healing group with a “lesson of the week” that is always just what we need, right when we need it, followed by a balancing or other technique that enables us to let go of our past conditioning at the sub-conscious level. She also brings to bear the wisdoms of multiple other teachings, and speaks from real personal experience, so her teachings are practical and useful each and every week. Betsabe is a force of nature, an angel in our lives, here to protect, guide and teach us. Infinite love and gratitude.” A.G London

Click here for Group Session Sign Up

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